Fitness Bikini Competition

I have competed in bikini fitness for 4-5 years straight and have done about 4-7 competitions every year. It was a great experience, but a very challenging part of my life, because when You compete, Your whole life is focused on that entirely. Strict diet and training program, scaling every bit of Your food, cooking, regular training sometimes even twice a day, proper sleeping routine and almost no social life. Especially if You try to work full time and run a business simultaneously. Competing can be stressful for Your body and mind, which reflected on me as well at the end of my competition and my health got fragile. But I do not regret it as it taught me so much discipline and allowed me to get to know my body completely and to take full control over my body weight. Competing also later led me to complete a nutritionist, personal trainer and gym instructor course to grow my knowledge in this field and to get qualified to help others to reach their body and health goals.